Our delicious menu of goodies

Welcome to our Michelin-starred restaurant...erm we mean data analytics shop! Now, we know that perusing this selection of our tasty offerings is like going to Jose Andres' Bazaar and not knowing where to start. So, we've organized our dishes in a handy-dandy way, depending on your company's business vertical. Please enjoy!

Package A

Package B

Package C

Bespoke Package

Best for:
TCM (transitional care management), nursing homes, long-term care, rehab facilities, patient monitoring

Best for:
Innovative products (medical devices, SaaS, apps) at the pre-commercialization stage

Best for:
Healthcare-adjacent products not subject to traditional federal and state government regulation

Best for:
Other small-cap startups in any industry looking to achieve business goals in a cost-effective manner

Data visualization:
Donut chart showing % of patients with NP call within 24-48 hours

Data visualization:
Cat and whiskers box plot comparing control vs. treatment group

Data visualization:
Geolocation-based dashboard displaying region-specific insights

Data visualization:
Sankey and funnel vizzes tracking customer and user journeys

Periodic and ad hoc reporting:
Patient satisfaction reports

Periodic and ad hoc reporting:
Top problems/diagnoses

Periodic and ad hoc reporting:
Opportunity costs of nonintervention

Periodic and ad hoc reporting:
HR and marketing analytics

Statistical analysis and academic research:
Calculation of risk-adjusted metrics required for MCOs

Statistical analysis and academic research:
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis

Statistical analysis and academic research:
ypothesis testing for statistical significance of explanatory variables

Statistical analysis and academic research:
iterature review of relevant articles in the industry journals

Predictive modeling
Linear regression (e.g. readmission days), logistic regression (e.g. incidence of disease, risk of adverse events such as post-operative respiratory failure)

Data Engineering
ETL (Extract-Transform-Load), API development, data architecting and modeling, data ingestion, datamart and pipeline building

Analytics consulting
Performance improvement projects, delivery of analytics presentations and learning sessions, advisement on vendor selection

Relief for internal data team:
data cleaning, troubleshooting faulty data assets, supporting data entry work across agile project management and data governance platforms (e.g. Jira, Collibra)

Read our Case Studies to see how we accomplished these results for our clients:

$ 0 M

Annual savings to the Medicare Part B program

0 hrs

Annual RN hours saved in manual patient chart reviews

$ 0 M
Potential savings in Medicaid drug expenditures
0 %

Minimum ROI from implementing our patient safety predictive model